IDENTITIY DESIGN for Infrastructure Projects

For years OPENBOX ARCHITECTS has a strong belief that alternative, sustainable energy concept is the key of future developments. Energy consumption in developments are one of the highest expenses in business system. Reduction of such expense could be a great benefit in then long run. There are many incentives to encourage the use of sustainable energy sources, such as many certificates and awards. The actual implementation is still far from enough, and is only perceived as CSR for corporate rather to a real solution to save the World.
The following could be one of the most important reasons. Provision of sustainable energy sources has been the ‘unseen’ part of the final outcome. It is perceived to be an infrastructure that lacks appealing images to create a powerful marketing storey.
This is where OPENBOX ARCHITECTS could provide a potential solutions, Identity design for infrastructure projects. For years we have been experimenting with many projects including our homes, and OPENBOX Garden Office that we install solar panels that provided 70% of our daily electricity. Though this has started as our personal passion, we know that one day, this shall become the next BIG idea for future developments, and for mankind.
Since 2017, we have started cooperating our design influence into alternative, clean, sustainable energy business. Today, we have set up partnerships with related companies for this journey. The journey will lead to sustainable future, from Zero Energy Village to ZERO Energy City.
‘Saving the World is a good cause,
That deserves great recognitions,
And deserves a great IDENTITY DESIGN ’

The Icon Siam solar roof top
As part of our Integrated Exploration, OPENBOX’s first design intervention involves a solar roof project in the urban area, with a lot of exposures from high-rises around the the area. more than an engineering equipments and infrastructure, we proposed a dynamic and ICONIC ouch to the solar panels layout.
By intensive study of how the panels and equipments are normally installed, many feature could be inserted with minimal additional budget. Techniques include the followings: The use of panels with different colour shades, colours of trimming and maintenance walkway, and finally the angles of panels. With the Integrated Exploration thinking, it is a surprise to test and found how much creativity and make so much difference within limitations. B Grimm Power (not tendering at the lowest price) won the commission of project, showing how Identity could be a valuable investment, and design are always appreciated, even in the unlikely area.
Solar Powerplant in Phuyen
The second project takes place at the largest solar farm project in South East Asia. Like most other energy plants, the project takes up a large open space, and require very little effort to keep the plant running. Our idea is to integrate other functions to keep the area alive, and take the opportunity to give something back (aside from clean energy) to the community.

After a research info possibilities for integrated functions, we found that the project could be use as an attraction to receive guests for international events. Later it could be a knowledge ground for students’ field trips. Finally, we proposed to integrate an attraction park functions into the project by the followings:
– Creating a stylish and colourful gate and entrance experience,
– Turning a technical maintenance office into a receiving hall, completed with a gallery hall to tell the storey of how this project came about, and other technical information,
– Creating a touring route into the field of solar panels, which we found to to be quite a unique and photogenic experiences,
– With a natural hill at the canter of the solar field, we integrated a viewing deck on the top as a finale scene for the tour.
Our intervention includes an iconic ellipse walkway on top the hill to give a full panoramic scene of the largest solar farm in Southeast Asia, surrounded by mountains skyline of Phuyen. The landscape of the hill is covered with the wild grass, as a corrosion prevention technique. This is also to celebrate the invention of our late King Rama 9.
– Finally, we have place a pagoda and dashes of terracotta orange colour which has always been the Identity of B Grimm Power, to illustrate the pride of a corporation who always stride to create new business that help to improve the World.
In simple words, we have seamlessly integrated functions of a learning center into all area of the power plant.
Phuyen Solar Power Plant won an award in the year 2019, making another success of OPENBOX’s Integrated Exploration into the world of sustainable energy.

B GRIMM POWER Headquarters Office Sculpture
After many success OPENBOX design interventions for large scale projects, B Grimm Power send us a brief to help creating an awareness of the important of sustainable energy to public. The brief was to to create an iconic piece of landmark at their Headquarters Office, that can send a strong message.
OPENBOX design team studied the headquarters layout and proposed to create two multi function objects at the office parking areas, at the most visible location form the main road. We will create a parking roof, completed with solar panels in a form of a stunning sculpture.
The piece of art itself, will express engineering aesthetics by revealing a steel skeleton of a 50 meter piece of art with only 2 columns, and grand cantilever, combined with solar panels installations. This symbolised mankind’s achievements in structural and energy engineering. Under side of the structure, are dashes of terracotta orange that stands for B Grimm Power color identity.
From the main street passing the front of the headquarters office and through the entrance road, the sculptures creates a strong presence with the awareness as intended. More than just a visual landmark , the sculptures symbolised a connection between engineering and art, that should be perceived as ONE.
